ANNOUNCING Episode FIVE of Caribbean Rhythms with Bronze Age Pervert "Political Mix."
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Some historically illiterate people misinterpret use of this by e.g. the Arditi of D'Annunzio as some kind of modernist "death worship"...maybe study more?
it's a guy on here plisskenboon or something I'll look for it; central insight is that ALL of it is "real" and that what you're seeing in part is footage of movies filmed by people in the storyline
is just second movement of second concerto; I put here recording for sound quality but best performance is by Sviatoslav Richter…
I once ask it beta to think this way of gril, or romance? He didn't answer but I think he'd say is OK. Regardless, be careful listening to this with gril! But then...what does it remind you of?
Sometimes best performance is from long ago when there wasn't good recording tech. Josef Hofmann is intoxicating pianist with magic touch, no such exists is "climax" from Chopin first concerto
Is Romantic cadenza day ...from Chopin second piano concerto...exciting high energy musics full of Napoleonic feels! Reminds of romance adventure from Stendhal...