A special frand, mayb you know who--I can't say his name!-- sends me this photo of his son with my book of power...
I say now...his son will grow stronk and far-seeing like broad-ruling bird of Zeus!
rum is good drank, it doesn't give hangover if decent quality, and solves many stomach problems. I like Gosling's too but the rum in pic above is good for a special occasion.
oh come on Steve! Not even a mention of Bronze Age Mindset...why not review it for Taki's? Look at how much better it does than low-IQ Donna Zuckerface book even five months later ...you saw the twets. Book all of the right is reading rn...
Michael Savage is very funny when he's on his game. This made me lol irl. He's right I think--"Collins is why nobody smart goes into politics."
(@ScottAdamsSays says Collins speech was best he ever heard. Who's right? They can't both be...)
DOCTOR (lol) @donnazuck you should really be ashamed of yourself. You're Mark's sister and published by Harvard U. Press only Oct. 8. A week after my anon book was self-published I was almost top 100 paperback (overall on Amazon), top 300 Kindle and #1 in all my categories