The investment rates speak for themselves, like what I said about Belgium and India
Asian science is largely a myth. Chinese "science" is very backward and parasitic on Western. West Europe still has very strong science & tech for example France in math...
Boasting about my Bronze Age Mindset samizdat. Still outrank ignorant @wmarybeard in Ancient Greek History on Amazon. I also by far outrank low-IQ @donnazuck in overall sales
Almost 5 months later an internet anon self-published shitpoaster easily beats establishment stooges...
DOCTOR (lol) @donnazuck you should really be ashamed of yourself. You're Mark's sister and published by Harvard U. Press only Oct. 8. A week after my anon book was self-published I was almost top 100 paperback (overall on Amazon), top 300 Kindle and #1 in all my categories
I never kept an orthodox Peat diet, just archevore (I poasted on it before) with some lessons from Peat. I must do carnivore diet as an elimination diet. It's not something I'd necessarily recommend to others unless there's a reason to
love them, maybe my favorite food, and extremely nutritious. But had bad experience recently, I think they were from red tide or spoiled somehow, groace
About to do 3-6 months carnivore diet experiment as a way to fight off various attaqs they're doing on me with radio waves. Before I do that I'm trying to enjoy certain foods I won't have...lately I'm eating muesli with kefir, but wondering if I should have gorilla munch instead