Some of you follow this "femael" poster. This is a fed ...and the program in this tweet is a typical "glowmagnet" profile. This poster and others are approaching people in dm's trying to attaq BAP. This is a PSA not just regarding ""her"" but so that you learn to spot them
here you can see the kind of concerntrolling they're trying to do on bigger accounts that follow and support me or liked my book
there are outright lies (such as that I went on @PatrickCaseyIE show) mixed with WN-tard concern-trolling and buzzwords
Learn to spot a "yikes"-fed.
(kind of makes you wonder what's really behind the "reason is a WHITE MALE SOCIAL CONSTRUCT"-lines we've been hearing for decades from thinkers who were literally bankrolled by the OSS/CIA)
Speaking of restaurant troubles and dining aggressions....
Memories of Australia ...this man is an old hero for #frogtwitter dine n' dash cult. His arrest was a great injustice but he stood up for himself with STYLE!
I don't see how any of the people named or anyone in #frogtwitter fits your description. In fact they're trying to run all kinds of smears and ops against us because we don't fit that description and it drives them nuts