unlike others on the right I have no real opinion on it... think USA should disengage from the Middle East in general
I do think as a model for "resurrection of antiquity" it should be emulated by others
but it's not what it was in the 1950s and 60s
the faith of Israel, which both Christianity and Talmudic Judaism lay claim to as the rightful heirs. But Talmudic Judaism has as little in common with the faith of the Temple as does Christianity
Atlantic "scholars"? The Atlantic is a political popular magazine
You have no idea about the latest research on origins of Islam, done mostly by German historians and philologists. You're not remotely prepared to talk about this
oh wow it's an ATLANTIC article? That's real tough stuff mang
you're an ignorant buffoon; you know nothing about origins of Islam in Syriac/Nestorian Christianity theologically, and historically at a time when there was a reaction against Rome/Byzantium in Arabia
exactly...that's what Christianity would be without Europe and Rome. Maybe even less, seeing how even these were protected by Byzantium, directly and indirectly