Municipal philosopher-administrator @CityBureaucrat can back me up in this: if you're unhappy with meal at restaurant feel free to ESCALATE. Call 911, walk freely inside the kitchen to complain, call licensing board and health department
I explain some of this in book, it's not anything to do with "sex cult" or sex. I go to some length to try to find photos that aren't sexualized, I don't think pepo appreciate how hard it is to find
the entire Catholic priest class has been corrupted esp. after Vatican 2; this guy Tanner is trying to cover for the gh*ey pedodiddlers who corrupted your church
I lyk how @LokiJulianus rayp u today though, no?
How does it make you feel that your priest class today is all Strzok-like weirdo pedodiddlers? You think this fake garbage can draw attention away from it?
I have some Irish friends, they're good pepo but really what's Ireland's excuse historically? Portugal is also Atlantic coast nation with bigger/more powerful neighbor and yet they kicked off Age of Exploration, had 500 yr worldwide empire...
By 13, Drake means 13ft tall. @snachiavelli has a gigantism fetish.
Leave it to the Irish (a people surrounded by fish that starved because they couldn't grow a potato, the hardiest of plants) to not understand things.