Chadnet maintains this page of DMCA requests as we believe that most takedown notices that Chadnet receives are unfounded, and we like to maintain transparency with our users. If you send a DMCA takedown notice of any sort, there is a good chance it will be publicly viewable here, with any information that is not already public knowledge redacted.
On July 6, 2022, Chadnet was issued a DMCA request by Emery to take down her image which is publicly available in her tweet on our Bronze Age Pervert Twitter archive. The tweet and image in question are still (as of July 6, 2022) publicly available on Twitter.
The page with the image is archived on here, with the quote tweet by @cheazeborger420. The original tweet by Emery can be viewed here, with an archived version here. The image was located on the 16th page of the Bronze Age Pervert archive.
The image was of her in an army uniform, which was quote tweeted by @cheazeborger420 saying Can't even imagine how many miles of dick went through this woman