Yet again the Intellectual Dork Web takes on the HARD and never-before-done task of pointing out that collitch education is ideological and doesn't actually teach you anything
But this is terrible advice: for the moment there's nothing that can take place of credentials for job
EVERYONE knows unis are left-wing and that even elite skrewls teach you absolutely nothing (and probably degrade your mind). They exist for three reasons: parents send kids for credentials; to find spouse; and because of hard sciences funding
This why there is no reform....
No one cares that some dork prof teaches Shakespeare was a Carib w*m*n as long as hard sciences keep chugging on and students (more or less) get credential for job...conservacucks don't understand their criticisms useless
Quilette article above lies where it matters. Only solution would be to get rid of credentialism but article implies this can be sold as helping minorities. Sorry sweety: if we returned to IQ tests for job screening, it would be whyte and azn males only up and down charts
This big secret: present inefficient, corrupt regime of credentialism and clumsy accreditation by colleges is designed to help minorities and above all whyte W*M*N, who are the biggest beneficiaries and most slavish fans of "muh collitch degree."
Credentialism by the way contributes greatly to the feminized character of modern society, its narrowness and lack of dynamism. Want to become a swimming instructor? Sorry sweetie: you need to attend (and pay for) months of licensing classes. Guilds strangle independence...
Want to move to a new city, get quick gig job stacking books in a library? Sorry sweetie: those jobs are reserved for mousy severe w*m*n who are the only ones conformist and nutso enough to get a MASTERS in library """science""" (wtf?)
There is something on Bouvet Island that certain interests don't want you to find --it's not uninhabited, and natives were found when Norway tried to claim it (previous reports about half-successful expeditions are false...something far worse happened to the first explorers)