I believe his kingdom still exist; an enclave of highly civilized hyperboreans hidden in Congo forests...protected by pterodactyl-like crypids
now I mus go back to nap
I commend the IRS anti-thot project and see it as a great innovation and analogue of piratical raid. Earn the bounty! The possessions of the ethots belong to the NEETs!!
I know it's just a bot but I'm still gonna riff on this a bit: the concept of Illuminati, viz. a small group of elites manipulating the masses, is mostly a deflection of blame from the masses, who control most aspects of modern life
Reports that Bannon has been arrested in Stockholm for frequenting gyms looking for specimens for my #PositiveEugenics program. He was bailed out by anon donor. He is bundling great moneys for starting this program in Milan next year